Visit Us
2024: We are open every week Friday to Sunday 10am - 5pm from April to Dec. Not convenient? We're happy to open by appointment any through the week.
Online orders continue to ship daily or can be available for local pickup any time.
For the latest updates, please check our instagram or facebook pages.
Please give us a call 519-823-5130 or email us for the time that suits you best.
Hope to see you soon!
Stÿll Gallery | Metallic Evolution
7684 Guelph-Nichol Townline
Guelph, ON N1H 6J2
This may still be news to you - Styll moved from Elora in the spring of 2018. We now enjoy a country setting on the 100 rolling acres of our family farm, yet are still close to town, approx. 10 minutes north of Guelph, ON. On the days we are open, watch for our black and white Stÿll signs and the brighty coloured totems to point the way.
Directions from Guelph: just head north on Hwy 6 in the direction of Fergus. Turn right/east on the Guelph-Nichol Townline (at the traffic light). We are the 4th driveway on the left, #7684. You can't miss our Bird-on-a-nest mailbox....or the brightly colored totem!