Iris Dorton
In 2002, while living in Vancouver, Iris took her first pottery class at the local community centre. That was a pivotal experience, for within a year, Iris abandoned her work as a healthcare writer/marketing consultant and moved back to Ontario. There she enrolled in the Ceramics program at the Haliburton School of the Arts.
In 2008, she relocated to Guelph Ontario, where she now happily works out of her downtown studio. Iris continues to develop her skills by attending conferences and workshops with local and international artists whose work she admires. Most of her pottery is thrown on the wheel, however some serving pieces are hand built. Subtle matte glazed exteriors are contrasted with colorful, glossy interiors. She uses a number of different decorating techniques including water etching, cuerda seca (black wax), and impressing. All glazes are food safe, and the pottery can be placed in the dishwasher and microwave.
Care Instructions: though dishwasher safe, hand washing is recommended to prolong the beauty of handmade pottery, not safe for the oven.